Life Plus Breakfast
If you are over the age of 60, please join us for breakfast before service on April 13th.
March Madness
JSM will be hosting MARCH MADNESS for the month of March. Every Thursday we will have a themed night aimed at outreach for students 6th-12th grade.
Intercessory Prayer
Join us for Healing Place on the first Saturday night of every month. Healing Place is a ministry created to help answer Jesus’ commission in Mark 16 that believers, when armed with the Holy Spirit, have authority and power over any sickness or infirmity. We desire to see God bring life, wholeness, and healing to those suffering from physical or emotional aliments.
Israel Trip Interest Meeting
Join us to learn more about the 2025 Israel trip.
Child Dedication
At Jubilee, child dedications are a joint expression of a parent’s desire to raise godly children. As a church we are committed to empower parents in that calling and help families raise God-honoring kids. We count it an honor to be entrusted with that incredible privilege.