Coffee and Chat 2nd Wednesday of every month 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
In the Jubilee coffee bar or outside on the patio weather permitting.
No sign up required.

Mom’s Night Out May 31st Dinner at the Storey’s home 6:30 PM
Moms of all ages are invited for a mom’s night out. Simple chicken Caesar Salad will served, along with water and lemonade.
*Sign-up required.

Hudson Garden and Picnic Day June 24th 10:00 AM
Meet at Hudson Gardens (main entrance) at 10:00 AM.
We will walk around exploring the Garden and end with a bring-you-own picnic lunch.
*Sign-up required

July 19th Lunch Play Date at Chick-fil-A by Park Meadows Mall
Bring your kids and join other moms for a lunch play date at the Chick-fil-A next to In and Out.
No Sign-up Required.

Aug. 1st Mom and kids pool play date at Cook Creek Pool In Lone Tree at 11:00 AM
Bring your kids of all ages for a fun-filled morning at the pool.
For South Suburban residents costs $5.50 for kids and $6.75 for adults, nonresident kids $7.25 and adults $9.25 paid at the pool upon entry.
*Sign-up Required.

Registration Info

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