Local and Global Partners


Hands Of Mercy Ministries (HOMM) was established in 2008 by Saby and Rebecca Thomas with the vision of bringing God’s love to the unreached and hope to the underserved of India. After seeing the great need in India, HOMM started the following ministries: Orphanages, Widows Care, Disabled Home, Medical Care, education Centers, Leprosy Ministry, Bible Training Centers, Women Empowerment, Clean Water Projects, Disaster Relief, Mens ministry, Church Planting and Short-Term Missions.

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Rodney and Rhodes are missionaries on the Island of Hispaniola with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). They serve in Haiti and the Dominican Republic in their daily ministry. Their mission is to create opportunities for people groups from both countries to serve each other to see Dominicans advancing God’s Kingdom in Haiti and Haitians advancing it in the Dominican Republic. They accomplish this through various ministries, including children’s ministry, sports and arts, prayer, radio, English instruction, mentoring, and a unique wedding ministry.

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Dan Baumann has served with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for over 30 years and is currently based at YWAM in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Dan spends half the year traveling and teaching in YWAM, churches, and universities worldwide. He spends the rest of his time teaching and working with young people in YWAM’s Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) at the Kailua-Kona base. His passion is to see a generation of people discover who Jesus is and help and encourage them to walk with Him in every area of their lives. Dan has written three books, including one about his imprisonment in Iran.

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Paul and Susi Childers have a worldwide ministry with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and are based in Kailua-Kona Hawaii. Paul is the Campus Director at YWAM’s University of the Nations campus, strategically located on the Big Island of Hawaii. Paul and Susi Childers have pioneered several ministries that sever as the foundation for their public speaking ministry, including Word By Heart, A Voice for the Voiceless, and PhotoGenX. Paul and Susi are passionate about empowering leaders to change the world and giving a voice to the voiceless through photography and evangelism.

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Larry Goode established The Lost Children of Peru aHer seeing the dire need of people experiencing poverty and orphans in this amazing South American nation. Community Centers are the centerpiece of The Lost Children of Peru’s ministry to provide a safe environment where children, young people, and single mothers can find hope and connection by having basic needs met, experiencing God’s love, and having Peruvian role models come alongside them to equip them for a better future of hope and restoration.

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Garo and Jordania, along with their children Eben and Jordan, are missionaries to the South American nation of Brazil. Garo is the National Director for University Ministries and leads a multi-campus ministry impacting students nationwide. Jordania is the founding director of PINK, Women with a Purpose, reaching unchurched women for Christ. Garo and Jordania are responsible for training and mentoring pastors and other leaders across Brazil who impact multitudes. Their ministry extends from urban city transformation to interior jungles and indigenous people groups. Garo is a gifted worship leader and author, and Jordania is a highly sought-after and anointed women’s speaker and influencer.

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Eric and Rachel Dufour are prominent counselors and international speakers who passionately believe in healthy marriages, families, and servants of God. Their ministry, Serving Alongside Ministry (SAM), uses strategically located retreat centers worldwide to provide week-long intensive marriage counseling sessions for pastors and missionaries who have dedicated their lives to growing the Kingdom of God. Eric and Rachel speak around the world with a parOcular focus in Europe, Asia, and the United States. Rachel and Eric are also authors of several books and guides on marriage and sexuality from a Biblical perspective.

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HEART is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to empowering the people of Africa to Survive and Thrive beyond the HIV/AIDS pandemic through facilitating integrated collaborative projects such as: Prevention education messages combating the spread of HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, and Typhoid; developing economic infrastructure, gender equality, leadership development, and building capacity for good governance and by working closely with local leaders (teachers, pastors, chiefs etc.). The ministry provides hope and empowerment to people in Kenya through their innovative projects including WEEP (Women’s Equality and Empowerment Project), Freedom for Girls, and Kids for School.

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TRIAD exists to glorify the King by mobilizing, equipping, and deploying followers of Christ into the world’s hardest-to-reach places and people groups. We specifically focus on unreached people groups within the 10/40 Window, where the planet’s most critical physical and spiritual needs exist. To reach these remaining locations and people groups, laborers are supported, trained, and deployed to embrace adversity, overcome barriers, and glorify Christ among the unreached. We are motivated by the vision that one day, all nations and people groups will glorify the King.

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Since 2014, Bridge of Hope Greater Denver has been working to end homelessness for single mothers and their children in our community. Through rental assistance, case management with a licensed social worker, and partnership with Christian church communities, we aim to model The Good Samaritan (Luke 10) story to the families we serve. We hope to care for the physical needs of the families we serve while offering hope that comes only through Christ. 

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Open Door Ministries exists to provide practical help and hope to people in urban Denver who are homeless or low-income. Our primary objective is to move people toward self-sufficiency by helping change the circumstances and life patterns that hold them captive in poverty and addictions. Through four focus areas, we provide tangible needs like food, shelter, access to education, and employment training. We also provide intangible needs such as friendship, hope, and Christian spiritual guidance. We learned that the best way to help our community succeed is to surround them with support, holistically empowering them to overcome obstacles.

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2OD Ministries

20D Ministries (20DM) seeks to minister the Gospel of Christ at every opportunity that we are given. Regularly, we preach and teach in recovery homes, local ministries, churches, etc. During the wintertime, we hit the streets from 9 p.m. to midnight. When the temperature falls within our guidelines, we search for people and help them survive cold exposure. During warmer weather, we minister on the streets through creative evangelism outreach.

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Alternatives Pregnancy Center cares for Denver-area women and men in pregnancy-related crises and offers them a meaningful alternative to abortion. Following the example of Christian love, we seek to meet their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. And we enable and encourage them to choose life every day. The vision of Alternatives is to be a primary life- affirming resource in the Denver area. We provide a safe place for women and men to make informed decisions regarding unintended pregnancy, sexual health, and healing from abortion loss. Alternatives seek to challenge a culture of dehumanization by providing meaningful alternatives to abortion and authentic support at no cost. Ever.

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Laflin LIFE (Living Intentionally for Eternity) Foundation’s vision is reaching the lost for Christ worldwide in a creative, captivating, and inspiring way through the art of illusion. David and Teesha Laflin’s ministry began while doing mission work in India (2022). They quickly discovered that performing illusions opened doors to spread the gospel in otherwise closed places. They were able to reach the lost in a whole new way. They continue to travel full-time with their four children, partnering with churches and non-profits to reach local communities through outreach events. They have also created several resources and training materials for missionaries and pastors to teach the gospel and Biblical truths.

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Amanda was twelve when she felt a calling to be a missionary. She went on short-term mission trips throughout Latin America, South Africa, and East Asia! Amanda earned her BA in Christian Studies with an emphasis in Global Ministry in 2019 at Grand Canyon University. Since then, she has joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Brisbane! She is in the Go Teams department as the ministry leader of Overseas Training. Their missional statement is “to intentionally and faithfully extend and strengthen our witness of Jesus to the ends of the Earth.” Amanda’s mission statement is “to be a friend of & advocate for Jesus in every nation, tribe, and tongue.” She is a passionate Jesus follower dedicated to knowing Him deeper and making Him known. Amanda loves being a photographer, friend, and writer.

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Franklin has served with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Louisville, Kentucky, since January 2022. YWAM’s vision is to “Know God and Make Him Known.” Franklin contributes to this vision by helping run discipleship training schools. Franklin offers individual discipleship to those in the school. Franklin goes on at least one mission trip yearly, preaching and offering discipleship that will transform the nations. His vision is that the world would come to know the great love of God and wholeheartedly surrender their lives to Jesus. This starts with teaching students and staff about Jesus and creating space for God to transform their lives. He plans to continue partnering with YWAM Louisville for at least the next few years, fulfilling the call to go.

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