Part 1:
Had my Rheumatology appt. @ Mayo Clinic on Nov. 9. My PA when he came into the exam room, grinned at me, and I thought that was weird. He usually just a small smile and polite. He started out by mentioning he read my GP’s after visit note summary and noticed that I had a ‘’Healing Prayer’’ and my symptoms have improved. He mentioned that ‘’prayer is very powerful’’ and he had seen a couple of healing miracles in his many years of treating RA. He was very happy for me! He did a clinical exam(physical) and said I can see the ‘’peaks and valleys’’ of your knuckles, which I have not seen for 12 years, I have been treating you! Examined all my joints and concluded ‘’I cannot find any swelling in your joints! Now I was really getting excited, so I told him how great I feel and what Jesus has done for me! He was impressed to say the least. He did tell me politely, that since we have only had 4 months of healing, now is not the time to reduce your meds because it might possibly create a horrific flare (reactivate my disease). So, my care plan was wait until April for dosage reduction.
Part 2:
My blood tests at Mayo were almost always ‘’normal range’’ for Rheumatoid Autoimmune Disease, it is called being sero-negative factor (I have RA, but labs are veiled from being positive). However, my hematocrit and hemoglobin values were now in the normal range. I am usually in the anemic range!! 🙂 Then my lab values for my RA markers and disease activity compared to my 4/11/23 values are now very low!!
Part 3:
Example: CRP RA marker: was 4.54 now 1.55. // ESR marker 3.7 now .97 // clinical disease activity 20.3 now 0.6, (same values for Simplified disease activity) these are tremendous blessings, and I am beyond elated. I am so, so grateful for this healing. Last Saturday, I had a request from our new social media director at church for everyone to record a clip saying what they were thankful for this Thanksgiving, and I was so happy to record a video to say ‘’ I AM SO VERY THANKFUL FOR MY HEALING PRAYER!’’ I thought this would be a good way to hopefully reach a lot of hearts and bring lots closer to our Lord Jesus. Connie and Geoff had mentioned to me, that telling my testimony to all has a tremendous Ripple Effect to many people being reached and giving some hope and encouragement that Jesus IS INDEED RIGHT BESIDE YOU….ALL OF THE TIME. :).