This testimony is from one of our weekend services. A week ago, Thursday, I threw my lower back out at the gym and was in a lot of pain. I went to Urgent Care and got muscle relaxers but was not too keen on the way they made me feel. I attended a family gathering on Saturday and over did it.
Sunday morning I found myself in lots of pain and not able to get out of bed. I had planned to go to the 9am service but could not fathom doing that. While laying there I heard from God clearly saying to get up, get ready and go to the 11am service where I was to ask for prayer and laying of hands for healing. I got up and while still in lots of pain, I was obedient and found myself on my way to JFC.
When I arrived I saw Pastor Terry first and called him aside stating I never come to the 11am service, that I was to be there that morning and I needed someone to lay hands on me for healing on my back. He soon came over to where I was seated, laid hands on my back and prayed for the HS to heal me. The service started and after the second song, Kathy Melson took the mic stating she had a vision of God extending out His right hand over the congregation- His hand of healing. I was not at all surprised. She asked if anyone needed healing and I raised my hand. Three people behind me laid their hands on my back and Kathy prayed. During the meet and greet I shared with the people behind me that 2+ hours ago I could not even get out of bed and thanked them for their laying of hands and prayers. By the end of the service I was pain free. I have not taken any meds since Saturday. Praise God – thank you God. All power and glory to you!