Find Your Community.
Now more than ever, community is so important to our health and growth. Our women's ministry offers a variety of ways to help you connect and find purpose.
Bible Studies
Here at Jubilee we believe the Bible is God breathed and useful for teaching and training in righteousness. We also believe that some things are done better when others join you. That is why we offer several women’s Bible studies year-round. We want you to have a place to study and grow in your relationship with Jesus, while connected and finding refreshing fellowship. When we study the Bible we learn more about the God we serve, His purpose for our lives, and how much He really does love us.
Jubilee Mom’s Ministry
Whether you are a new mom or a seasoned mom – all mom’s need a community just for them. Our goal in the Jubilee mom’s group is to be a place where mom’s can come as they are and find, friends, support and bIblical teaching.
We meet on Thursday mornings for a Mom’s Bible study (January – April & August – November, 10:00 AM -11:30 AM) and the 2nd Wednesday of the month (February – May & September – December, 10:00AM -11:30 AM) for fellowship in our church lobby.
Also, join us on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM for Coffee and Chat in the church lobby.
Beauty from Ashes
Ladies, most of us have scars and some pretty crazy stories to go along with them. Unfortunately, some scars run much deeper – like from the painful experience of divorce. But scars can tell a greater story – one of resurrection, redemption, and restoration from no one other than our Lord Jesus Christ.
Beauty from Ashes is a support group for divorced or divorcing women. Many women experience not only pain, but feel drowned in isolation, condemnation, loneliness, shame, and more. You are not alone! There is hope for rescue which is found in Jesus. Come as you are and be part of the community of women who, like you, want to see beauty from the ashes.
Tuesdays, August 20th – November 12th
Women's Social Club
Social Clubs are a place to create a regular rhythm of connecting with a group of women. Conversation cards provided by the leaders help you stop the small talk, fight past the awkward, and find authenticity. Social Clubs provide opportunities for God to display His love to other women through you.
Two options to choose from:
1st Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM or 2nd Saturday 9:30 – 11:30AM of the month from September – December.
• Thursday Nights: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM (1st Thursday of the month September – December)
• 2nd Saturday of the month: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM (September – December)
Women's Christian Book Club
Join us for our Women’s Christian Book Club! Click Learn More for the list of our monthly book.
Women's Fitness
This workout combines simple, effective fitness techniques with fun, energetic music you know and love. All fitness levels are welcome! This class is led by Ashley Siegfried.
The workout 60 minutes. This groups meets every Friday in the kid’s church lobby from 9:30-10:30AM.
Have a question or want to learn more?
Our women's team would love to talk! Just use the button below to send us an email.