Day 1

Thursday, September 12

4:30 PM

Conference Check In

Social Hour: Charcuterie, Coffee Bar, Merch Store

5:30 PM

Worship Center Doors Open

6:30 PM

Session One

Worship & Speaker

10:00 PM

Building Closed

Day 2

Friday, September 13

8:00 AM

Building Opens

Social Hour: Light Breakfast / Coffee Bar / Merch Store

9:00 AM

Worship Center Doors Open

10:00 AM

Session Two

Worship & Speaker

12:00 PM

Lunch Break in Lobby

Box Lunches Provided / Coffee Bar / Merch Store

1:15 PM

Breakout Session 1

2:30 PM

Breakout Session 2

3:30 PM

Dinner Break Offsite

5:30 PM

Building Opens

Coffee Bar / Merch Store

6:30 PM

Session Three

Worship & Speaker

10:00 PM

Building Closed

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not a member of Jubilee may I still attend?

Absolutely! We would love for you to attend with your friends and family. It’s our desire that all may be REVIVED and refreshed in the Lord.

When and where do I check in and pick up my registration materials?

Registration begins at 4:30PM the first day of the conference at each of our doors in the Lobby. At that time, you will receive your registration material and your lanyard.

Will food be provided?

On Thursday before Session One we will have charcuterie cups and light desserts. On Friday before Session Two we will have light breakfast snacks. Lunch boxes will be provided during our lunch break (we will have a gluten free option).

When will the coffee bar be open?

The coffee bar will be open before each Session.

What is the Social Hour?

The social hour is a time before each Session for you to hang out with your friends new and old, grab a coffee and browse the merchandise.

Do I need to sign up for a Breakout Session?

No, you do not need to sign up for either of our Friday afternoon Breakout Sessions. At registration you will be given a list of the Breakouts that you will be able to choose from.

What is included in the cost ($175.00) of the REVIVE Conference?

Registration materials
Session One
Session Two
Session Three
Two Breakout Sessions
Charcuterie Cups and Dessert
Light Breakfast Snacks
Lunch on Friday
Coffee Bar

What is included in the cost ($125.00) of the REVIVE conference?

Registration materials
Session One (Thursday Night)
Session Three (Friday Night)
Charcuterie Cups and Desserts
Coffee Bar

Will childcare be provided?

No childcare will be provided for this event.

Still have questions? Feel free to email us below.

Email Us