Paul & Naomi

Paul and Naomi were called to serve the mainland Chinese and joined an organization in 1989. They set out to reach Muslim minority groups in NW China after studying Mandarin. Paul taught English in a NW province of China for two years; however, they sensed God’s re-direction to work amongst Chinese Diaspora (students and scholars studying or working overseas) among whom there are great needs, opportunities, and freedom. They served in Japan for 4 years, followed by 8 years in Oxford, England, and have been serving in the USA for 8 years. In Chinese Diaspora ministry, they mainly focused on discipling those who are returning to China (Returnees Ministry). Recently they have been sensing God’s leading to their original calling in Chinese Muslim work, specifically to equip Chinese believers to take the Gospel to unreached Muslims in China and the rest of the world. They have 3 sons and 1 daughter.