His Workmanship
As a child of God, made in His image, you were born with a creative spirit. Have you recognized yours? His Workmanship J Group is a place of belonging and fellowship; a place to explore your unique creative spirit, meaningfully connect with other believers, and minister to the Body of Christ and beyond in new and exciting ways you may have only dreamed about. Come join us as together we discover fresh avenues of worshiping the Lord through our God-given gifts. (Ephesians 2:10)
This group if for Christian business professionals to get together for support, networking and to hear special speakers. This is an open group….please feel free to come and join us!
Setting Captives Free
Attendees will overcome betrayal and offenses they are dealing with as they learn to walk in forgiveness and love toward those who have hurt them.
Breaking Chains
Attendees will learn to use Biblical ways to break any addiction in their lives as well as support and pray for one another.
Alabaster Vessels
Attendees will learn ways to overcome hurt and fear to become victorious in their walk with Jesus. This group is exclusively for women walking through abuse.
Spiritual Warfare Offensive/Defensive Team. Prerequisite: must take Spiritual Warfare Class to join this group.
Life Plus Breakfast
If you are over the age of 60, please join us for breakfast before service on April 13th.
Women’s Christian Book Club
Join us in reading a new book every month & joining together for fellowship!
Jubilee Mom’s Ministry
Whether you are a new mom or a seasoned mom - all mom's need a community just for them. Our goal in the Jubilee mom's group is to be a place where mom's can come as they are and find, friends, support and bIblical teaching.
Womens Fitness
This workout combines simple, effective fitness techniques with fun, energetic music you know and love.
Young Adults Group
This Christian young adults group offers a variety of ways to help you connect and find purpose. Explore bible studies, events, & more.
Men’s Breakfast
Wanting to connect with the men of Jubilee? Come to our men's breakfast the first Saturday of every month.
Great food, great fellowship, serving a great God together.