Paul & Susi Childers

We pursue three activities to make our vision a reality.
1. Word By Heart. We enable people to learn by heart whole Gospels or whole books of the Bible in a short amount of time. Lives are radically changed as a result. People become bold witnesses for Christ and they see their lives transformed.
2. Voice for the Voiceless. Because God has made all humans equal, we believe that every person has a God-given right to the basic necessities of life (food, water, clothing, shelter and health care) and to lead a fulfilled productive life (spiritually, mentally, socially, emotionally and physically). When people are living drastically below these rights, we feel compelled to speak (Proverbs 31:8+9) and to act (Matthew 25:31-46). As we serve the voiceless globally we can see God’s will extended into people’s lives.
3. University of the Nations (UofN). The UofN has the largest spread of any tertiary training institution in the world. Although relatively new, the UofN has around 650 campuses in 162 nations, and trains over 20,000 people per year. The vision of the University is to enable people to be fully released into their God-given potential to work in the 7 different aspects of society in a way that bring global transformation. In other words the University is a “multiplier of missions”. We also work to ensure the students have a solid Biblical Christian worldview and can apply it in a range of disciplines.